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Maami Igbagbo, the ex-girlfriend of Kingtblakhoc has opened up on why she dumped the popular Nigerian porn star to set-up her own porn company.
Recounting how she met her ex-boyfriend, Maami Igbagbo said she met him shortly after her mother died in 2016. According to her, Kingtblakhoc is a good person and not who everyone thinks he is.
She further disclosed that their issue began after she started getting offers that ran into millions from different people after she began featuring in his porn movies. Maami Igbagbo said her ex-boyfriend got quite emotional and sceptical about her sticking with him as most girls that featured in his porn movies in the past left after same offers started rolling in.
Maami Igbagbo disclosed that Kingtblakhoc lost focus after that and began inviting girls who stay at guesthouses to their rented apartment. She further revealed that he refused to heed to her warning in spite of getting sexually transmitted infections from the girls he invited in and subsequently infecting her.

Watch a video of her interview below;
