A local vigilante who held the title of Kaigaman Ybango, Alhaji Haruna Gamjango, has reportedly killed three suspected kidnappers at his residence in Jarandi, in the Jada Local Government Area of Adamawa State.
Haruna was, however, overpowered by his assailants who eventually killed him.
One Maikudi, who spoke on the telephone to newsmen, said the gunmen had stormed the residence of the renowned local crime fighter around 11 pm on Monday, with the intent of abducting him.
He said, “His assailants who came in large numbers had attempted to abduct him. But he refused to follow them and shot three of his attackers. One died on the spot while the two others died later as a result of the injury he inflicted on them.
“Because they came in large numbers, the attackers were able to overpower and subdue the vigilante before killing him.”
Maikudi also said the corpse of the vigilante and three other bodies of his assailants had been evacuated and deposited at the Jamtari Police Station.
Another resident, Mohammad Chubado, said the corpse of one of the slain attackers had been identified to be that of one of the criminals in the area.
One of the dead assailants was recently released after he spent over 10 months in detention following his involvement in kidnapping.
“In fact, he was released about three months ago only to be involved in another attempted kidnapping,” Chubado said.