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A Germany based Nigeria lady, Precious Meg has been hailed for her good deeds.
Apparently, the kind-hearted lady hired a taxi from her house, with her already prepared food, they drove for two hours just to give food and wine to the asylum seekers to celebrate the Easter, yesterday 12th April.
Meg, who couldn’t hold back her emotions when she saw the Asylum seekers, consisting of different nationals, of both black and white people was moved when they told her they had to walk for over twenty-five minutes to the place they waited for her due to the COVID-19 lockdown, people are not allowed to have visitors, that’s the government and healthcare advice to curb the spread of the virus.

Meeting the asylum seekers, Meg gave them a warm welcome, encouraged them “we all have passed through this before, all of us are brothers, who knows? Tomorrow you guys may still be of help to me” she said.

She gave them the well-packaged food and also another two bags of food for the mothers in the asylum camp who couldn’t walk down to meet her because their children are still too young for a long walk.
One of the asylum seekers fervently prayed for her “this year your heart desires must come to pass” he prayed, Precious Meg immediately dived into the prayer point saying, “my heart desire is for me to have another baby” The asylum who is also an expectant dad in a few months time then used himself as a point of contact for her heart desires to be met speedily.
The wonderful lady also stated that she wasn’t born with a silver spoon, but today, her story has changed, added that she would like to celebrate her birthday which is next month, 28th May to be precise with the asylum seekers.
Meg prayed and hallowed God for putting the thought in her heart, making her a blessing to the asylum seekers in a time like this.
A glance through her Facebook profile shows she’s a caterer or into food, see screenshots and watch the video below;

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